What is the USPS Postal zone from your ZIP Code?

The first 3-digits of your destination ZIP Code determine the zone. The USPS has a handy tool which will help you immediately generate a page (like the one below for your own Zip code).

Click HERE to go to the USPS zome chart generator.

ZIP Code

ZIP Code

005..098 8 679 5
100..212 8 680..681 6
214..268 8 683..692 6
270..342 8 693 5
344 8 700..701 7
346..347 8 703..708 7
349 8 710..711 6
350..352 7 712..714 7
354..358 7 716..717 7
359..364 8 718 6
365..367 7 719..725 7
368 8 726..727 6
369..372 7 728 7
373..374 8 729..731 6
375 7 733..738 6
376..379 8 739 5
380..384 7 740..741 6
385 8 743..775 6
386..397 7 776..777 7
399..418 8 778..789 6
420..424 7 790..791 5
425..427 8 792 6
430..459 8 793..794 5
460..466 7 795..796 6
467..468 8 797..816 5
469 7 820..838 5
470..473 8 840..847 4
474..479 7 850 4
480..497 8 852..853 4
498..504 7 855..857 4
505 6 859..860 4
506..507 7 863 4
508 6 864 3
509 7 865 4
510..516 6 870..872 5
520..528 7 873..874 4
530..532 7 875 5
534..535 7 877..885 5
537..551 7 889..891 3
553..560 7 893 4
561 6 894..895 4
562..567 7 897..898 4
570..577 6 900..908 1
580..581 6 910..918 1
582 7 919..922 2
583..588 6 923..928 1
590..591 5 930 1
592..593 6 931..935 2
594 5 936..939 3
595 6 940..942 4
596..599 5 943 3
600..620 7 944..949 4
622..631 7 950..953 3
633..639 7 954..966 4
640..641 6 967..969 8
644..649 6 970..974 5
650..655 7 975..976 4
656..658 6 977..986 5
660..662 6 988..994 5
664..676 6 995..997 8
677 5 998..999 7
678 6
4 Responses to “What is the USPS Postal zone from your ZIP Code?”
  1. Thelma Sorich says:

    After too much time on USPS, found this and it gave me exactly what I needed. THANKS!

  2. Zippless says:

    This page, and the “USPS zome chart generator”, make absolutely no sense to me.

    Can you spell it out in english?

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