Here’s my Privacy Policy:
- When subscribing to my email newsletters, purchasing an item or entering a contest, I only ask for necessary information.
- That information is only used to send you appropriate communications.
- I don’t rent, sell or distribute email or personal information to anybody. Your information is never shared. Period.
- You can unsubscribe from email newsletters at any time. The link to remove yourself from myemail list is given at the bottom of every missive. Follow those instructions and the automated system will handle the rest.
None of this is new or a change in policy.
Ever since I first launched on the Internet in 1996, Ive always believed in our right to privacy This privacy policy is just a formal statement reiterating what I’ve always done.
From time-to-time I may offer prizes to our readers. Some contests need your participation to enter via email (sending in your favorite tips or links) while others are random drawings from the list of current newsletter subscribers and therefore require no separate registration or entry.
Participation in these contests is completely voluntary and the user therefore has a choice whether or not to disclose information. If you are chosen as a winner then we will email you to request contact information (such as name, address and phone number) so we can send your prize to you. Contact information will be used to notify the winners and distribute prizes only.
Contest winners will need to supply their name and shipping address upon a specific request from an authorized staff member of The Collier Company. This address information is only used for the purpose of delivering your prize.
All newsletter subscribers are eligible to participate in contests or win randomly drawn prizes regardless of where they live in the world. Employees, writers and any other people connected with the operation of The Collier Company; their family and relatives are ineligible to enter or win prizes.